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Oral presentations


Oral presentations should last between 12 and 15 minutes (Q&A included)

Presentations need to be prepared in french.

English-speaking presenters can give their presentations in English.

Find out more about your session on the program and on Conftool.

The presentation should include around 10 slides. No specific model is supplied.

The first slide should present the title of your work, the authors and affiliations.

The use of MCV 2024 logo is mandatory on this first slide. Links to download different versions of the logo are provided at the bottom of this page.

Submission of oral presentations

We ask all presenters to upload the PDF file of their presentation to Conftool before Tuesday 12 November 2024.

Si vous souhaitez modifier votre fichier vous devrez le mettre à jour sur Conftool, inform us by e-mail at et attendre une confirmation de notre part. Sans cette confirmation, nous vous recommandons fortement d’apporter la dernière version de votre présentation sur une USB key on the day of the event.

To submit your presentation, please follow the steps below:

1) Log in to your Conftool account and go to ‘Your Submissions’.
2) Select the abstract that has been accepted.
3) Click on ‘Final submission’ to download your oral presentation document in pdf format.
4) Please name your file ’ PrésentationMCV2024 _ Numéro de l’abstract _ Nom de l’auteur de la présentation.pdf »
If you have any questions about the guidelines for oral presentations, please send an e-mail to

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